January 4, 2011: 5h30
I’m here! Or at least, in Andeville with the Portier’s and Alizée! Alizée picked me up from the airport and we were wearing the same thing- weirddd. I guess we are still on the same wavelength even being countries and continents apart. She taught me how to grocery shop (so cool! Here they have individual scanners and buy while they shop. I am impressed and think we should do that back in the States) and then we went back to her house. Les champs (the fields that are the Portier’s back yard basically) have snow patches on them, which was beautiful. Véronique wasn’t feeling well but it was good to see her nonetheless.
I watched the TV show the Portier’s were on back in September. It was exactly the same as Family Feud. They made the second round but then were eliminated. Still, hilarious to see them on TV and try to understand the host.
Alizée and I had a photoshoot as always and haven’t stopped laughing. She will be in England while I’m in Bordeaux, but we are planning on visiting each other at least once. I love that I have this family I can come to if I ever get homesick, lonely or just need some good food ☺. The Portier’s are truly special people and I am proud that I am their “American daughter.”
My flight to Bordeaux leaves at 10h35 and then I will really be thrown into an unknown world. Lea, Sandy, the other two girls studying in Bordeaux from Davis, and I are all on the same flight. I’m excited to see them and embark on this journey together. My host mom, Kareen Brouat, is picking me up from the airport. I imagine over the next few days, I’ll be thrown head first into the French language and culture. I will be tired, overwhelmed and ecstatic. Lea, Sandy and I have plans to get lost in Bordeaux later today. Can’t wait!
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