End of the Year picnic chez Marisol
These people
Adrianna, me and Lea on top of Le Tour Pey Berland
Matthis: the aspiring chef
Oh no Justin, you look too American to be hanging out with us
Les filles
La Bourse: favorite building at night, period.
I am completely upset that my experience here is over but at the same time utterly stoked to go traveling with Stephanie for 4 weeks. Its a weird mix of emotion, but I know I am sad only because this meant so much more to me than I thought it would. I feel at home in Europe.
As for the next adventures, I'm headed to Paris/Andeville today to see Alizee and the Portiers. Then to Ireland (Dublin and Cork) tomorrow to see Bridget Scruggs in Dublin and then Cork to taste some solo-traveling.
Saturday the 21st, I go to London to meet up with Steph and Sandy to begin the crazy adventure of hitting 5 countries in 4 weeks. Go us.
So, I will probably write again from a different country, after leaving all what has becoming familiar to me in Bordeaux behind. When I return, none of my CA friends will be here. The vibe will be different. But that is what life is like, right? Readjustment and continuation.
A bientot!
This is so cool Em. Love it.