Sunday, May 15, 2011

To Paris, and Beyond

     Well here we are, I'm leaving Bordeaux in an hour and a half. I can't believe it. This last week was certifiably perfect. Many things on my bucket list were checked off, many friends were seen and many more memories were made.

End of the Year picnic chez Marisol

These people

Adrianna, me and Lea on top of Le Tour Pey Berland
Matthis: the aspiring chef
Oh no Justin, you look too American to be hanging out with us
Les filles
La Bourse: favorite building at night, period.

      I am completely upset that my experience here is over but at the same time utterly stoked to go traveling with Stephanie for 4 weeks.  Its a weird mix of emotion, but I know I am sad only because this meant so much more to me than I thought it would. I feel at home in Europe.

     As for the next adventures, I'm headed to Paris/Andeville today to see Alizee and the Portiers. Then to Ireland (Dublin and Cork) tomorrow to see Bridget Scruggs in Dublin and then Cork to taste some solo-traveling.

    Saturday the 21st, I go to London to meet up with Steph and Sandy to begin the crazy adventure of hitting 5 countries in 4 weeks. Go us.

   So, I will probably write again from a different country, after leaving all what has becoming familiar to me in Bordeaux behind. When I return, none of my CA friends will be here. The vibe will be different. But that is what life is like, right? Readjustment and continuation.

    A bientot!

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